The Hurt Fixer

About Me

A very warm welcome to you emotionally restored and healed giants of God!  I hail from sunny, rainbow South Africa (contrary to popular belief, God actually lives in South Africa too!) I am a wife and a mother of two beautiful blessings of God. I was called to serve on the frontlines of God’s war against the wicked one. Your time has come. It is here and it is now. What I want you to know about me is that I am completely and fully committed to helping others find healing, restoration, deliverance and most of all understanding of how our hurts keep us from becoming who we are designed to be. How satan keeps us trapped and rooted in our pain. God called me, (more than once!) to teach His children about hurt, how to overcome, how to heal, and most definitely to be FULLY restored.

I have a deep compassion and understanding from my own experiences for those that hurt.  I have a cum laude degree in psychology, a degree in ministry and a cum laude diploma in Christian counselling, but before you stop reading, I want you to know, it means nothing. It gives me no authority or understanding or even the faintest grasp of your pain (something I only realised once I started counselling!)

My own hurts and pains I had to endure in my life are worth more than all the degrees and diplomas in the world. Once I overcame, healed and were fully restored, God said “Now teach my people that I am the Hurt Fixer, that I am the rear guard between them and their past! That I make whole and that I restore. That I AM that I AM, Jehovah Rapha – I am the Lord that healeth thee, El Shaddai – Creator and Sustainer of all life, Yahweh, Jehovah Sabaoth – The Lord of hosts!”

Exodus 15:26 “For I AM the Lord who heals you.”

Luke 4:18b “He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives.

I love Jesus, Jellybeans, Summer, flowers, the sea and mountains, being quiet and spending time with God, making complicated delicious desserts (my friends call me the dessert queen for nothing!) and sushi! 

I seriously dislike coffee, chocolate or anything that contains chocolate or cacao (I sometimes wonder if I am the only women in the world that dislikes chocolate?), Winter and being cold.   


References to satan are not capitalized as he deserves not to be acknowledged in the same way as my Saviour, I do not care to violate grammatical rules by doing this.

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