Angel Facts

Angel Facts

Angel Facts

It’s the Festive Season and the shops are filled with nativity scenes, wise men, Santas and angels everywhere. I absolutely love Christmas time. It truly is the most beautiful time of the year, even if it is not really Jesus’ birthday. (Biblical scholars have argued about this for centuries, some claim it is somewhere in March, others in September, but the point is it is not the 25thof December).

For some reason this year, the depiction of angels has bothered me more than usual. I am very busy with a blog post about Forgiveness, and how to forgive.  However, the angels have been bothering me so much that I stopped to write this post first. God has been speaking to me about it so much in recent days that I cannot ignore it any longer. God reminded me about this verse time and time again over the past few days.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

Hosea 4:6

As Christians, we have allowed the commercial world to steal our true knowledge, and some of us have never even bothered to find out the real truth and have decided just to accept what the world view is on things of Christ.  

Angels are part of the Spiritual realm,  they can only do something for you if you give voice to the Word. If you don’t know about how they work and what they do, you cannot commission them to work on your behalf. Also, we must understand the Angelic to optimize our covenant with God.

Angels can help you to move into your next level of prosperity.

1. Interesting Angel Facts.

  • Angels are created beings. (Colossians 1:16)
  • Angels can never die, they are immortal. (Luke 20:36)
  • The intelligence of Angels is superior to man.
  • Angels are stronger than man. (2 Peter 2:11)
  • There are an estimated 1 trillion Angels.  The host of Angels are innumerable, but estimates are around 1 trillion. (Revelation 5:11-12, Luke 2:3, Hebrews 12:22)
  • There are two Angels for every one demon. 2:1.
  • Angels have patience, meekness, modesty, emotions, appetites, passions, desires, willpower and knowledge. (Numbers 22:22-35, 2 Peter 2:11, 1 Corinthians 11:10)
  • Angels are invisible spirit beings, however, on occasion, they have revealed themselves to both humans and animals.  (Numbers 22:23, Luke 2:9)
  • They travel at the speed of thought which is much faster than the speed of light. Angels just have to think where they want to be and they are there. Demons travel the same way. (Most Angels do not have wings as so very commonly depicted, they don’t fly, they appear and move by thought, which is just so inconceivable to humans that we ‘created’ them with wings!)
  • Angels are finite, that means that they are limited, only God is infinite – He is unlimited!
  • Angels are celestial, they are heavenly beings.
  • Angels defy the laws of matter, they can move through buildings, bricks, stone, rock and even fire without being harmed.  (Acts 12:7)
  • Angels are not limited to the natural laws of the world, they operate according to the laws of the spirit.
  • Angels are male, there are no female angels (sorry ladies!), and there are most definitely not baby angels either. They are fierce, fearless warriors!  Also something the world has twisted! I see female angels everywhere and not to mention the babies! (Luke 20:34-36)
  • Angels don’t have haloes!

2. Guardian Angels

Every person receives a Guardian Angel at birth to protect them, no matter your families’ religion, race or country of birth. These Guardian Angels are very special as they have uninterrupted access to God at all times.

This Angel will stay with you all your life. He will not leave you because you grow up, he leaves you when you reach the age of understanding and start sinning, and choose not to serve God Share on X. If you turn from God or backslide, he leaves you. The Angel that was assigned to you at birth will only return if you repent, are born again and serve God. People who do not serve God does NOT have a Guardian Angel to watch over them! The unsaved are surrounded by horrible, hideous demons that influence them.

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them.

Psalm 34:7

The saved has an Angel that actually lives with you and go wherever you go! Share on X

This is the part that really makes me sad about people’s misconception about Angels. People so often say “So and so died, and they are Angels now, they are guarding us.” People and children who die do not become angels or Guardian Angels. When you die, you don’t get to guard or watch over your loved ones. Please, dear reader, don’t teach your children that when people die they become Angels, it is such a lie and misconception of the truth, rather teach them the true meaning and responsibilities of Angels. We are different created beings, and yes, when you die you will be a spiritual being as Angels are spiritual beings, but you don’t become an Angel when you die.

3. Factors that influence your Guardian Angels’ effectiveness 

Some factors can influence your Guardian Angel’s effectiveness. The protection that your Angel provides for you is limited. You can either enable them to be effective in guarding you or you can limit what they can do for you.

The first factor is spoken words. Yes, we are back again at spoken words. Your spoken word either makes your Angel effective in protecting you and your family or they open a door for the devil to come in and harm you and your children, making your Guardian Angel stand on the sidelines because of your spoken fears, doubts and unbelief!Whenever you speak what you fear, you put your Angel bound on the sideline, limiting his abilities to protect you, or to deliver to you the very thing you have been praying and believing for! Share on X Listen to my podcast ‘Reasons why bad things happen to good people’ to understand how damaging your words can be in your life. The power of life and death are in your tongue!

Your words have a tremendous effect on the ability of your Angel. Your words make your Angels tasks either very easy or very hard.

The second factor that influences your Angel’s effectiveness, is living in sin. Living in sin makes your Angel just watch from a distance and he is unable to protect you, even if you are born-again, he is present but limited in what he can do for you.

The third factor is praying in tongues. Through praying in tongues you are commissioning your and sending them out to do God’s work. The more you pray in tongues, the more they will go before you and prepare the way.

4. Responsibilities of Angels

  1. They are messengers – they are messengers of God
  2. Angels are ministering spirits – being messengers are one of many functions, primarily through Angels are ministering spirits that minister for you (not to you). “Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation” Hebrews 1:14
  3. They are involved in healing.
  4. They are involved in deliverance.
  5. They strengthen us.
  6. They bring us revelation.  It is also possible for your Guardian Angel to warn you of danger. Your Angel can speak to you and you can be unconsciously instructed by your Angel to do something that may save your life for example, without you realizing it.
  7. They do battle for us.
  8. They handle the deaths of Christians.
  9. They protect Christians.
  10. They deliver messages and the answer to our prayers from God for us.
  11.  They are responsible for leading Christians into their destinies.
  12. They execute the Judgment of God and wage war against the enemies of God, the antichrist and fallen angels.
  13. They will participate in the Battle of Armageddon.
  14. They worship God in praise and worship.
  15. They witness the repentance of sinners and lead men to those who will minister to the sinner for them to be born again.
  16. There are Angels leading us into our inheritance, directing us consciously as well as unconsciously. We are also directed by the Holy Spirit.
  17. Angels also protect us to enable us to preach the Gospel.
  18. Angels assist believers to spread the gospel. Angels do not have the authority to spread the gospel, that task has been given to the church, however they assist believers. Angels and the Holy Spirit are with you when you are ministering to someone, they are guiding you and making the way clear for you. If you pray and bind the devil, then you will limit the devil’s influence in that person’s life and make it more possible for you, the Angels and the Holy Spirit to reach that person so that he will accept the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 10:20)

5. Things you should not do with Angels

  1. You should not worship Angels
  2. You should not pray to Angels
  3. Never name your Guardian Angel – to name your Guardian Angel is to assume authority or control over them.
  4. Always remember that Christians have been given more authority than Angels.

6. How do you commission your Angels?

  1. Through Prayer
  2. Through positive confessions

 7. The 5 types of Angels

  1. Archangels

According to Scripture, there were three Archangels. An Archangel is an Angel with a position of authority and leadership.

a) Michael

Michael is the first Archangel.

Scripture: Jude 1:9, Revelation 12:7, Daniel 12:1

Functions/Duties: Michael is the Archangel of War and fights on behalf of Israel. His name means ‘who is like God’.

b) Gabriel

Gabriel is the second Archangel

Scripture: Daniel 9:21, Luke 1:19

Functions/Duties: Gabriel delivers divine communications from God to man. Gabriel’s name means ‘man of God’

c) Lucifer

Scripture: Isaiah 14:12

Functions/Duties: He is also known as satan and he believed he could exalt his throne above the stars of God and that he could be like the most High God.

Michael And Gabriel were under lucifer.

2. Seraphim:

Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8

Description: Seraphim are amazing creatures, mighty in power, Seraphim has three pairs of wings. With two wings they cover their face (God is so Holy that even these Angels have to cover their faces in His Glorious Presence!), two cover their feet, and two they fly.

Functions/Duties: They attend to the Lord. They fly around the throne of God, proclaiming His holiness. Their service consists of reverent waiting on, more than in active service for, God.

3. Cherubim

Scripture: Ezekiel 1:4-28

Description: They have the likeness of man.  They each have four heads with four faces and four wings.  The soles of their feet look like the sole of a calf’s foot. They sparkle like the color of burnished copper. They have hands under their wings on all four sides. They have four faces each, a man, a lion, an ox and an eagle.  They have a burning appearance, like torches.

Functions/Duties: They protect the tree of life for man to inherit, and they observe the blood of Christ on the Mercy Seat.

4. Zooa:

Scripture: Revelation 4:6-8

Description: There are only four of these Angels and they are described as living creatures. They are similar to Cherubim, except they only have one head. They are completely covered with eyes but have six wings like Seraphim. One Zooa is like a lion, one is like a calf, one is like a man and the last one is like a flying eagle.

Functions/Duties: They do not rest day and night, saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.”

5.Guardian Angels

Scripture: Matthew 18:2, Psalm 34:7, Psalm 91:11

Description: There is not a very clear description of what Guardian Angels looks like in Scripture.

Functions/Duties: To protect Christians and all small children up to the age of understanding, if they except and give their hearts to the Lord, they will stay with you for your entire life.

I truly hope this post have helped you to understand the realm of Angels, who they are and what they do and how you can commission them to help you in your life. I would love to hear your comments on my post.

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