Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

It warms my heart to send Christmas Wishes to all of you!

This was truly a special year!

I’ve met so many incredible, amazing people from across the globe that helped me to start this new chapter in my life.

I would like to thank every single one that played a part in this blog.

My Blog, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter followers, all of you that shared, liked and commented on my posts and podcasts, you are all so very special to me!

All my friends, family and counselees that supported me through this year, for your prayers and encouragement and for every time you pushed me when things got tough!

I pray that God will Bless you all abundantly, that He will keep you all in His safety, may His face shine upon you, may He be gracious to you all and give you all His amazing peace.

I pray that all of you will have the most wonderful Festive Season wherever you are.

Thank you again for your love and support.

I am so excited and full of anticipation about the road ahead and sharing many more posts and podcasts with you in years to come!

Here is to a Happy, Prosperous New Year!

God’s love and Blessings from my house to yours! Shalom

Jaco-mi Myles

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