Through The Storm – Episode 4

Through The Storm – Episode 4

With everything that is currently going on, the turmoil with Covid-19, so many Christians are battling through unprecedented storms. Retrenchments, eviction notices, entire new ways of living caused by lockdowns, working from home, homeschooling and just seemingly endless changes in the life we all thought we knew.

Where is God in this? How do we overcome? How do we survive? Is the answer to get through this storm sacrificial praise to God? Why are we as Christians facing these hard times? What is the purpose of it? What can we learn from Moses, David, Job and Paul to assist us getting through this challenging times?

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  1. Masego

    Hi Jaco-mi….Thank you for the shared blog, I was attracted to your blog will I was browsing for spiritual literature to which I routenly do as I start my day.The opening paragraph somehow caught my interest as it was in line with the present circumstances we are facing globally.
    I decided to tune in via podcast, playing it on the background while working. Will I was listening I found myself zoned in, attentively soaking in the alot of points you had mentioned especially regarding the prayer, the emphasise you put forth with regards to this essential spiritual practise. Your blog has positively influenced my my prayer life, and has deeper my conviction and reliance in God at this stage of my life, also with whatever challenge I am presently facing internally and externally. Thank you so much for the insightful, and relevant topic that you substantially shared on, referencing your your emphasise by using biblical figures who persavide through prayer and faith. Much appreciated, I look forward the next blog you are going to post….Masego Ntlatleng

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