Category: <span>Restoration from Hurt</span>

How to Grief – A Bereavement Guide.

How to Grief – A Bereavement Guide As of the 9th of July 2021 ·,4,010,834, people have died so far from the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak worldwide, as reported to WHO. WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard | WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard With Vaccination Data It’s hard to find someone in the world …

Fear Part 2

Fear. Part 2. In Part 1 of Fear, we looked at Understanding Fear, Types of Fear, and the Effects of Fear. It is important to understand that if you have chronic symptoms of fear, anxiety, and stress, especially over an extensive period, it is time to seriously decide if you …


Understanding Fear Part 1 We live in a world where everyone is gripped in fear and phobias, suffer from either depression or anxiety attacks. Some can’t leave their homes or face the reality of their lives without taking a handful of pills. ** The thing about pills is that they …

Everyone Hurts

We are all hurting. Once upon in our lives, something was done to each one of us. The hurt I am referring to is that deep hurts, those hurts that scars each one of us for life. As you are sitting there reading this, I know you are thinking about …

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