Dream Again!

Dream Again!

        It is time…to dream again.

Whereas you know not what shall be tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away.

James 4:14

Today is the last time you will have this day. You can never go back and re-do today. How have you spent it? James is very clear, our lives are like vapors, it appears for a little time and then it vanishes. Your time on earth is very limited. Yet, we spend our time wasting away in our hurt, chained and held back by our fears and disappointments, and even sometimes by the expectancies of others. That is not what God has for you! It is… Share on X

So many people are so broken and hurt, their dreams are in ashes and they have completely given up on their dreams. Are you one of those people that would not dare to dream anymore? Have you convinced yourself that God has beautiful dreams for others, but not for you? So often the dreams God has given us have been broken down and shattered by others’ negativity, evil report and our hurt. Often times we think that we just don’t deserve our dreams, we convince ourselves that we cannot obtain it anymore. That the time has passed, we can live the way we are, it’s not that bad, or that we are too old to start working towards this dream. We adapt to some mediocre life and then convince ourselves that it’s normal and that we are where we should be, yet our hearts cries out.

God doesn’t want us fenced in by our small lives and small thinking. He definitely does not want you to spend the little time you have on earth living a mediocre life, barely satisfied. We are full of excuses. ‘I don’t have the means’, ‘I am too old’, ‘I can’t do it,’ ‘I first need to work through my pain’, ‘I don’t believe God has placed a dream within me.’

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man, this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”

Mark 10:27

This verse is so well-known, but probably one of the verses that we least appropriate in our lives. God doesn’t want you to be satisfied with where you are! Share on X (Except if you are one that is truly living the dream God has placed in your heart – I would love to hear from you, send me a comment!) If you expect little – you will have little.

You should be dreaming about what God has for you. You should have visions at night about the most amazing awesomeness that He has in store for you. It is time to dream again. Share on X

As you are sitting there today, you know that there is a God-given dream in your heart. Don’t you think the plan and destiny that God has for you include what you are dreaming of? God has so much more in store for you than you can ever dream or imagine. You need to start believing in that dream God has for you again! Share on XNow is the time to believe and to work hard. Expect good things, and know with God on your side you CAN achieve anything! Your dreams are not unattainable! With God, they are in your reach, because it’s dreams that are from Him.

You see friend, the best dreams are the ones from God, not the ones we seek. That overwhelming desire inside of you is from God. When God created you, he created you with passions and talents that are in line with the dreams he has for you. God’s dream will find you, if you dust yourself off, and sincerely ask God to show you and remind you of His dreams for your life again. I have included a prayer at the end of the post that you can download to start asking God to show you exactly what He has for you. 

So how do we know if a dream is from God? Dear friend, God sincerely wants what is best for you – always, and He always wants you to have a close relationship with Him. Dreams that are from Him will always draw you close to Him and bring you in a place of peace. God’s dreams always fit in with the will of God for your life. Good dreams will fit your talents. Bad dreams, or dreams that are not from God will eventually bring discord within ourselves and always take us further and further away from God. Dear friend, in the end, you will lose everything if you chase after dreams that are not from God. Trying to fulfil our own dreams and desires will always take us away from Christ, and sadly, in the end, totally destroy us. 

Dreams from God is not always a call to full-time ministry. He has made each one of us very unique, with unique talents and passions.

If you lay on your death-bed tomorrow, what will be your biggest regret? If you were God and you saw your life, what would you see? Missed opportunities? Broken dreams? Unused and unappropriated talents? Unfulfilled destinies? What is… Share on X No, I want you to sit and think and write your excuses in your notebook….Are they valid? No, truly, are they valid reasons? If God should read them, would He say, yes my child, these are very valid reasons for you not to go after the dream I have placed in your heart!’ I am not trying to put you on a guilt trip or condemn you, I want you to do a deep-dive in your thought processes, and truly dissect that which is holding you back.

The thing about dreams from God is, nothing can stop it. No devil from hell can keep you from fulfilling that dream. And once you have decided and asked God to fulfil that dream, He will supernaturally provide ALL you need to fulfil that dream. You have to build on your strengths. Built on your gifting. Success is talent and hard work. If you love yourself, invest in yourself. Stop listening to negative reports, people that put you down and tells you can’t do this! Everyone is not going to be excited about your dreams as you are, so be very careful who you share it… Share on X! Do not listen to the dream-killer called doubt! Don’t let your fear cost you your dreams! Be patient! Be persistent! Don’t give up! Be determined!

Start eagerly expecting the supernatural!

Live a supernatural life!

Raise your expectations!

Don’t settle for less when God has your best! Share on X

The Lord will work out His plans for my life – for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever.

Psalm 138.8

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