God, Morgan and the Unicorn

God, Morgan and the Unicorn

My six-year-old daughter, Morgan, has an incredible fascination with unicorns. (as I am sure most little girls does) Unicorns, sparkles, princesses, fairies and everything magical.

The other day she came to me and asked me very seriously “Mommy, why did God not create Unicorns, they are so beautiful.”

In my infinite wisdom, I replied to her, “Well baby, think it is very hard to make something he size of a horse fly, look at ostriches, they are really big birds and they can’t fly. I think it has all to do with biology and physiology and stuff like that. Making a horse that can fly is not very practical, I think.” As soon as the answer left my mouth, I bit my tongue. Thinking of how I always tell them nothing is impossible for God, and I so hoped she didn’t pick up on it and that she is satisfied with my answer and will just let it be.

She didn’t respond. She was very quiet, and I could see she was considering my very ‘scientific’ answer. She got up and disappeared into the hall, I saw her going into her brothers’ room and sighed a sigh of relief.

My relief was short-lived. She came out with one of Daniel’s Dinosaur Encyclopaedia’s. She paged frantically through it. She stopped when she got to the bio of the Quetzalcoatlus, it shows clearly the size of the dinosaur, wingspan, and it has a picture on a scale to show how an average human will look next to it.

“God created the dinosaurs, didn’t he mommy?” I had to exhale deeply and shot out a prayer under my breath, ‘Please help me, Lord.’

“Yes, my baby, He sure did!”

“Well, this dinosaur could fly, and if you look at the picture, he was much much bigger than a human and almost the size of a horse, or what a unicorn would have been! So, if God wanted, he could have made unicorns!”

I was humbled. I wasn’t infinitely wise, and I definitely did not have all the answers! My mind was racing. But she continued before I could say anything else.

“Mommy, maybe God likes unicorns as much as I do. Maybe He thought they are a way to special to keep them on earth. Because people will hurt them. I think He did create unicorns, but He is keeping them in heaven. He is keeping them there for all the little children that die every day when they get there, He creates a unicorn for each child to make them happy. Do you think if I am really good, and I go to heaven that Jesus will make me my own unicorn, one that I can keep as a pet?”

I had to turn around to wipe the tears. How special and sad it is at the same time that a six-year-old thinks about little children that die each day. And how special is it that she thinks that God creates even today in heaven.

“Yes Morgan, I know God thinks you are so special, and He loves you so so very much, He will most definitely create your very own unicorn when you get to heaven. I am sure He will even allow you to pick your own colours.”

She happily skipped away, fetching paper and colouring in pencils. I knew exactly what she was going to do. She was going to draw a picture of her unicorn that God is going to create for her.  

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